1980 BJ41 Diesel Right Hand Drive Toyota Land Cruiser (Expedition Rig)
Here is well loved BJ41 expedition rig currently listed for sale on Ebay
So I have come to the sad realization that I don’t use or drive this truck enough and would like to begin looking for a new home for it. Somewhere where someone will have time to spend with the rig, enjoy it and take it on new fun adventures.
Where to start…
Brief history:
1980 BJ41 (JDM). I bought it in 2009 in New Zeeland and spent a month touring the north and south islands with it. I shipped it back to my home town of Baltimore Ro-Ro and picked it up in Baltimore. It saw lite use there until I decided to take it to South America. In the summer of 2011 it was shipped to Boulder Colorado where my cousin (A Toyota rock crawling advocate and head of a machine shop) spent 3 months converting it to an overland expedition rig. In the fall of 2011 it was containerized and shipped to Buenos Aires Argentina. I picked it up in the opening days of 2012 and drove 5,000km south to Ushuaia inTierra Del Fuego before driving all the way to the very top of South America in Colombia. In July 2012 it was again containerized and shipped to my new home in Houston. It sees weekly use now and lives in a garage.